Thank you for visiting this page.
It means a lot to me.
As you can see, the doors to my show van are closed. All shows since mid-March and going forward are canceled. So, we are all “getting creative” and identifying new ways to keep moving forward. I recently produced a virtual show with YJ Contemporary Gallery in Rhode Island, something I had never envisioned doing until recently. The way we do business and live our daily lives has changed dramatically in a few short months and some of these changes will become the norm. Just think of the word ZOOM!
So, as you look around my website keep in mind that I am offering discounts on many of my limited editions. This week we are featuring the image, Jekyll Sunrise, and offering a 20% discount along with free shipping. And, if you see something else you are interested in, let’s talk, and find a way to get your favorite image(s) on the way to you home or office!
- Richard Speedy
Selected work offered at special pricing.